Friday, April 1, 2011

I'm so easily distract.....oooo something shiny!

I am utterly unproductive today.

So far, while at work, I have been distracted by the following:

*Text message
*Email again
*Get Fit Sisters blog
*Free sample site
*Email again
*Clean Eating blog
*was that a text message?

Friday's do not allow me to concentrate on anything. I'm dying to get out of here and start my weekend of relaxing and forgetting about work. Only to have Monday roll around and start the vicious cycle over again.

I know, I know. I need to update my blog more. I'm trying people! I am out of the house at work from 6am-6pm. When I get home I work out, eat dinner and have about 2 hours to veg out and then off to bed. I feel like I have no time anymore!!

On the weekends its just pure laziness on my part.

Though this weekend is a bit busy. Tonight we're doing an open mic show at the South Bay LGBT Center. If you're in the L.A. area, come check us out. We're pretty good, just sayin.

Tomorrow I've got to get in a good workout and then my girl is treating me to a pedicure. She has been helping me by being my drill sergeant in regards to eating right and exercising. With her help I have done so good this week!! I get tonight off from working out and tomorrow I get my treat. She's going to treat me to something once a week.

Get your mind out of the gutter. Though I'll probably get some of that too. :)

Sunday I'm going to a free yoga class with the SoCal Gals meetup group. If you haven't checked out then do it. When we first moved to L.A. I joined some groups on and have met some amazing women through the events. It's a lot of fun and doesn't cost anything to join. There is seriously a group for just about anything.

Though Paula still thinks I'll never find a LGBT D&D group for her. I swear there has to be one!

I've been paper journaling more in the hopes that it will get my song writing flow going. The only thing I am journaling about though is food and my journey on this new strict regimen.

Ok back to work. I have a huge file I have to go through that is going to take me way more than today to finish. Time to start procrastinating and start doing.

ooo I have a new Tweet!

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