Thursday, February 18, 2010

16 and Pregnant. There's a shocker.

This show is like a horrible car accident. I can't stop watching. My girlfriend and I happened across this show one day while finding nothing else to watch and we were entranced.

Every time we watch this show I find us yelling at the TV. Lets not kid ourselves, I yell at our TV a lot. But this show brings out a lot more yelling than usual.

Lets start with the new season that premiered on MTV the other night. This episode completely featured a teenage girl named Jenelle.

Jenelle was dating some boy who was a former model and surprise, surprise she got pregnant. Her boyfriend was a real gem who had no job, no income and a drinking problem. He also continuously told her she was a "piece of crap" among many other compliments.

And of course this girl just kept going back for more like a fat kid at an all you can eat buffet. And again, SURPRISE, when he suddenly wanted nothing to do with her anymore.

Her mom, while not the greatest communicator, did try to get across to her that her boyfriend was a piece of garbage. But Jenelle being the worldly soul that she is, didn't believe her. Until her friends said the same exact thing and then suddenly Jenelle decided to end it. But knowing her type, I am sure they'll get back together.

Anywho, skip ahead, skip ahead, skip ahead...Jenelle has this little baby. Immediately after having the baby, and I mean days, she starts going out every night. Her poor mother is the one getting up every few hours to take care of the baby. She is the one making the bottles and changing the diapers. But its the martyr Jenelle complaining about how tough it is and how tired she is. Tired from what?! Holding the kid? Complaining? Please enlighten me about what is sooooo hard for you.

Jenelle admits once to the camera that "I thought being a mom would be easy. But I was thinking about when he is older and doing the fun stuff."

Really?! Are you that dense that you thought it would just be a piece of cake?! Bet you are rethinking that whole "you-don't-have-to-wear-a-condom-its-totally-cool" thing that got you into this predicament in the first place aren't you?!

I am no prude. And I also don't think kids should be taught abstinence, but safe sex. I was young once too and I had sex. With a boy *shudders*. However, I never was so irresponsible as to not use protection. How do you agree to that KNOWING what the consequences are? Pregnancy is the BEST case scenario there. You're lucky you didn't get something with an outcome of death or pus filled sores on your chichi.

Anyways, *stepping off the soap box*, back to Jenelle. She loves to threaten her mom, saying, as soon as she's 18 she'll leave and never let her see the baby again. DO IT! I'd love to see her try and make it on her own with that baby without her mom doing all the hard work for her. That kid would be dead in a week. I'd bet money on it. She's the mom you read about who would leave her kid in the car so she could go shopping. Or prop him up with some pillows all night while she goes out clubbing. "I gave my baby just a little whisky and now he'll be out for hours. Woo Hoo!!"

And guess what Jenelle? That loser douche bag boyfriend of yours is going to be a part of your life forever. Like it or not, he has rights to that kid if he wants to use them. Ah young love.

Do the world a favor kid. Give your little one to a family that will actually appreciate him and take care of him. A family that would give and do anything for their child. This way you can have your precious social life back. Then get your tubes tied and use a condom...just to be safe.

1 comment:

  1. Oy, people in this world can be so dumb and this is why I want a steralizing gun!

    I went to school with a girl similar to this. She was the prom queen type (might have even been the actual prom queen). Her BF got her brego and then went off to college, she continued school, her mother took care of the kid. She once complained that life was hard because she had to go to school, then she had to work at the ice cream shop and then go home and babysit her daughter and still find time to do her homework. Oh how unfair? Stupid stupid stupid. What is worse is I am pretty sure she went away to college. Basically, she messed up and mom picked up the pieces and there were no concequences. Which at least was probobally better for the child. Her daughter I think is graduating with one of nieces, and seems to have come through OK. Life could be worse, that girl in the show could be raising her own daughter. It is so unfair to these kids what the parents do to them, they didn't ask to be born or do anything to deserve this treatment :(
