Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Apparently I like to procrastinate...

I think I must start every single post on here with "I need to write more". Whatev. I write when I write.

Get over it. I'm a busy lady.

I'm a commuter. I take public transportation to work every day, by choice. I could drive but the bus is cheaper, less stressful and better for the environment. Not to mention that L.A. has way to many cars on the freeway and one less always helps.

I used to drive but when I got to work I wanted to kill someone. Everyone drives like a lunatic and after having a near death experience nearly every morning, and every evening, I was becoming a little ball of stress. My job offers to pay half of our commuting costs if we take public transit so I thought "Why not?" At least now when I get home I don't want to hit something.

I've been taking the bus now steadily for about 6 months. There are a few things I see happen on the bus that just amaze me on a daily basis. Maybe it's because I hail from NYC where public transit is the fastest way to get around. Maybe it's because I'm not a total numbskull and have a pretty good common sense arsenal. Or maybe it's because everyone else is a self involved assmunch who thinks the world revolves around them.

I constantly see people get on the bus and have no idea where they are going. They think the bus is going downtown when it's not or vice versa. Then when the bus makes a right instead of a left, and they realize they are royally screwed, they start screaming at the bus driver as if she purposefully decided to just then change the route to screw with them. It couldn't be their own fault! *GASP* Never! It couldn't be that they didn't read the sign when the bus pulled up, which clearly stated the direction the bus was going in.

Nope. It was that bitch bus driver out to get them.

Cell phones. People love to talk on them in public places...loudly. It's as if they think that once they get on the phone they have to increase their volume level exponentially. This little cellphone with its advanced technology and highly capable microphone are not nearly enough to transmit their voice. No, they have to YELL. The whole bus needs to hear about their UTI or their baby daddy drama. We all need to know you are having a party this weekend and we should call Jackie at 818-673-2353 for all the info. I feel like these people must think they are in a plastic bubble where no one else can hear how loud they are.

I recently read a story about an Amtrak train that has designated 'no cell phone' cars. A woman decided to blatantly violate that rule and was eventually escorted off the train because she REFUSED to stop talking on her cell phone. She had been talking loudly for 18 hours and then got violent and nasty when passengers asked her to stop. 18 HOURS!! I don't like to be on the phone for longer than 5 minutes, let alone 18 hours. What the hell do you have to say?

She must really hate herself and not be able to be alone with her thoughts, in silence, for any period of time. The phone must distract her from her Taco Bell filled ass, her miserable marriage and her shitty job.

No responsibility.

Then there are the people who get on the bus and completely forget the bus costs money. No, really. They get on the bus, go sit down, rifle through their belongings to find their $1 to then pay for the ride they've already halfway taken.

When I am waiting at the bus stop, I pull out my bus pass and have it ready. It's either in my hand or in my pocket so when I get on I can show it and go sit down. How do people not do this? Really? How do you not have your $1 in your hand or your pocket? You know it isn't free. I see you take the bus every day and yet every day you don't have your money ready.

It's irresponsible and you look like a fucking tool. Stop it.

Whew. Back to work.