Sunday, December 13, 2009

Don't mess with my Tinkerbell jammie jams!

Can someone please explain this phenomenon to me? And how it became a phenomenon?

That'd be wonderful.

How in the world, did it become acceptable to wear pajamas in public? And not just any pajamas either. But brightly colored, cartoon clad pajamas at that.

I just don't get it. Is it just me?

Its happening everywhere. I cannot go into one store without seeing several people shopping in their hot pink, tazmanian devil print pajamas. Everytime I see someone wearing pajamas in public, the first thing I think of is "Is it that hard to put on pants?"

Do people think it looks good? Have they no shame? It looks like a lazy, sloppy mess. There has to be someone out there who agrees with this sentiment.

If I am lounging around my house in my pajamas, and suddenly need to go somewhere, it seriously takes me 30 seconds to put on a pair of pants and a shirt. ITS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE! ITS PANTS!!!!!

I don't want to see what you sleep in.
I don't want to see how low your boobs sag because you didn't take the time to put your bra back on either.
I don't want to see your flannel, plaid pajama bottoms on underneath your fur coat.
I don't want to see words written across your ass because you're "sexy" or "pink" or whatever word your cheerleading squad pals have designated as the new "it" ass word.
I don't want to see your panty lined, cellulite marked thighs underneath your too tight, neon green, terrycloth pajama pants that is holding your muffin top in perfect proportion.

I don't need those intimate details of your life. Put on pants and look like you're trying. Have you just given up? Your life is so hectic and crazy that pants are just too much? That step just takes energy that you don't have left? Give me a break. Or some freaking pants!

Do you go to work in your pajamas? Job interviews? Next people will be getting married in their pajamas. This is a world I don't want to live in.

YOU LOOK RIDICULOUS IN YOUR MICKEY MOUSE FLEECE PANTS!!! And don't say "but look how cute they are?" because YOU'RE WRONG!! You are lazy, nuff said. You just woke up in your pajamas, decided it would be easier to just wear them all day and then fall asleep in the same clothes. This way you don't have to make any rash decisions about matching or clothing options and you can just lounge around in your own sleepy filth all day long. You probably didn't brush your teeth either. Gross. Just gross.

If people want to wear pajamas in public then they should be forced to wear a sign that says "I give up." That way it points out what everyone is already thinking.