Monday, September 28, 2009

Ah, the fine art of conversation. What an art it can be.

Have you ever spoken with someone who constantly uses a phrase or wording that hits you like nails on a chalkboard? Like Bobby Brown hitting Whitney?

I've compiled here the top 3 that drive me absolutely crazy! Once you read this I guarantee, you will not only notice people doing or saying these on a daily basis but you'll probably think of even more. If for any reason you notice that you do any of these, please stop. Just stop. For the love of God, stop!!

#1. The "who the hell is Bob" conversation.

I have spoken to a few people who do this constantly. They'll be telling a story to either myself or sometimes a total stranger and it will go like this...
"This one time, Bob and I went to this show and saw the most amazing band."
"Oh my god, Bob tells the funniest jokes!"
"Oh, well Bob's just not into that so we don't do that."
The whole time this person is telling the story, the only thing I can think is, "WHO THE HELL IS BOB?!?!"
At least introduce your conversation topic friend in the beginning with , "my uncle Bob" or "my friend Bob" or "my goldfish Bob". Don't assume that anyone knows who the hell Bob is.

Then, during the rest of the conversation, the person you are speaking to will at least know who this mystery person is and be able to follow along.

I once yelled at someone who did this after meeting them for the very first time. They did this for about 30 minutes like I knew who this "Bob" or who anyone else in their life was for that matter.

Any number of names can, of course, be substituted for Bob. There is no limit to the annoying factor.

#2. The "5 days ago, no 4, no 5, maybe 3, no definitely 5" conversation.

Have you ever had someone tell you a story like this...

"I went to the best restaurant on vacation. We went at around 6 o'clock. Wait, maybe it was 7. No definitely 6 because I got out of the hotel around 5. No, no, no 7 definitely. "


I cannot STAND when someone does this. Who cares?! What difference does it matter what time it was or how many days ago it was or where the moon was in the night sky?! Why feel the need to be so detailed. Just tell the freaking story already!! People just love to hear themselves talk most of the time. I think it makes them feel important to tell redundant details. Who knows?

#3. The "120%" conversation

"I will give you 120% don't you worry"

No you won't. No you will not. How on Earth could you give 120%. Its not possible to give more than a hundred.
It makes no difference and you sound like an idiot. Bad talker. Shush.

These are only the top 3. The possibilities are endless and there are absolutely a thousand more that irk me.

I am positive you have a top 3 of your own so lets hear them.

Just leave Bob out of it.