Sunday, December 13, 2009

Don't mess with my Tinkerbell jammie jams!

Can someone please explain this phenomenon to me? And how it became a phenomenon?

That'd be wonderful.

How in the world, did it become acceptable to wear pajamas in public? And not just any pajamas either. But brightly colored, cartoon clad pajamas at that.

I just don't get it. Is it just me?

Its happening everywhere. I cannot go into one store without seeing several people shopping in their hot pink, tazmanian devil print pajamas. Everytime I see someone wearing pajamas in public, the first thing I think of is "Is it that hard to put on pants?"

Do people think it looks good? Have they no shame? It looks like a lazy, sloppy mess. There has to be someone out there who agrees with this sentiment.

If I am lounging around my house in my pajamas, and suddenly need to go somewhere, it seriously takes me 30 seconds to put on a pair of pants and a shirt. ITS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE! ITS PANTS!!!!!

I don't want to see what you sleep in.
I don't want to see how low your boobs sag because you didn't take the time to put your bra back on either.
I don't want to see your flannel, plaid pajama bottoms on underneath your fur coat.
I don't want to see words written across your ass because you're "sexy" or "pink" or whatever word your cheerleading squad pals have designated as the new "it" ass word.
I don't want to see your panty lined, cellulite marked thighs underneath your too tight, neon green, terrycloth pajama pants that is holding your muffin top in perfect proportion.

I don't need those intimate details of your life. Put on pants and look like you're trying. Have you just given up? Your life is so hectic and crazy that pants are just too much? That step just takes energy that you don't have left? Give me a break. Or some freaking pants!

Do you go to work in your pajamas? Job interviews? Next people will be getting married in their pajamas. This is a world I don't want to live in.

YOU LOOK RIDICULOUS IN YOUR MICKEY MOUSE FLEECE PANTS!!! And don't say "but look how cute they are?" because YOU'RE WRONG!! You are lazy, nuff said. You just woke up in your pajamas, decided it would be easier to just wear them all day and then fall asleep in the same clothes. This way you don't have to make any rash decisions about matching or clothing options and you can just lounge around in your own sleepy filth all day long. You probably didn't brush your teeth either. Gross. Just gross.

If people want to wear pajamas in public then they should be forced to wear a sign that says "I give up." That way it points out what everyone is already thinking.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Ah, the fine art of conversation. What an art it can be.

Have you ever spoken with someone who constantly uses a phrase or wording that hits you like nails on a chalkboard? Like Bobby Brown hitting Whitney?

I've compiled here the top 3 that drive me absolutely crazy! Once you read this I guarantee, you will not only notice people doing or saying these on a daily basis but you'll probably think of even more. If for any reason you notice that you do any of these, please stop. Just stop. For the love of God, stop!!

#1. The "who the hell is Bob" conversation.

I have spoken to a few people who do this constantly. They'll be telling a story to either myself or sometimes a total stranger and it will go like this...
"This one time, Bob and I went to this show and saw the most amazing band."
"Oh my god, Bob tells the funniest jokes!"
"Oh, well Bob's just not into that so we don't do that."
The whole time this person is telling the story, the only thing I can think is, "WHO THE HELL IS BOB?!?!"
At least introduce your conversation topic friend in the beginning with , "my uncle Bob" or "my friend Bob" or "my goldfish Bob". Don't assume that anyone knows who the hell Bob is.

Then, during the rest of the conversation, the person you are speaking to will at least know who this mystery person is and be able to follow along.

I once yelled at someone who did this after meeting them for the very first time. They did this for about 30 minutes like I knew who this "Bob" or who anyone else in their life was for that matter.

Any number of names can, of course, be substituted for Bob. There is no limit to the annoying factor.

#2. The "5 days ago, no 4, no 5, maybe 3, no definitely 5" conversation.

Have you ever had someone tell you a story like this...

"I went to the best restaurant on vacation. We went at around 6 o'clock. Wait, maybe it was 7. No definitely 6 because I got out of the hotel around 5. No, no, no 7 definitely. "


I cannot STAND when someone does this. Who cares?! What difference does it matter what time it was or how many days ago it was or where the moon was in the night sky?! Why feel the need to be so detailed. Just tell the freaking story already!! People just love to hear themselves talk most of the time. I think it makes them feel important to tell redundant details. Who knows?

#3. The "120%" conversation

"I will give you 120% don't you worry"

No you won't. No you will not. How on Earth could you give 120%. Its not possible to give more than a hundred.
It makes no difference and you sound like an idiot. Bad talker. Shush.

These are only the top 3. The possibilities are endless and there are absolutely a thousand more that irk me.

I am positive you have a top 3 of your own so lets hear them.

Just leave Bob out of it.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Paper or Plastic?

Currently, I work part time in a supermarket and notice all kinds of ridiculousness that I'd like to point out here.

If you go to a supermarket..please don't do these things. Its really fucking annoying to us and makes our jobs harder and more difficult when it should be mindless work.

*When stepping up to the checkout line, do not under any circumstances, unload all of your groceries and then run away to just get something "real quick" that you forgot. It holds up our line, pisses other customers off and then we have to sit there and get bitched at by them about it.

*If you do the above thing, don't get all pissy when you come back 10 minutes later and find that your groceries have been packed back in your basket or cart and set aside so we may ring other customers who were waiting while you took your prima donna time finding your item all the way on the other side of the store.

*Do not yell at the checkout person/cashier EVER. Who the fuck do you think you are? We get paid barely minimum wage and you think we are gonna sit there and take your shit? How is that fair? It is not MY personal fault that we don't take your stupid expired coupon from another store in Lithuania. It is not MY personal fault that you brought me an item with no fucking barcode and now we BOTH have to wait while someone goes and gets it for us. Trust me, I don't want to sit there while you berate me either. We don't get paid enough to deal with your shit and your drama so don't take out your bad day or your bad haircut out on us. You are no better than me just because I work in a grocery store.

*If you bring your own bags to bag your groceries give them to us FIRST! Do not unload your entire cartful of groceries then get all pissed off that someone bagged them in plastic or paper and not your fancy bags from Whole Foods or whereverthehellelse you bought them. Be thankful we helped bag your groceries at all. Or be helpful and hand them to us first so we don't have to get yelled at by you and then unbag everything and do it again.

*When you take your cart outside to put your groceries in your car...put the cart away!! Don't put it BEHIND someones car or in front of someones car or next to someones car door. Walk your lazy ass the 10 feet to the spot where the carts go and put it back. I love going out to my car after a day of being berated by assholes and finding a cart blocking my car door or directly behind my car so when I back up I hit the cart. Awesome.

*Do not make ridiculous negative comments to the cashier about them. I love hearing people complain about my tattoos or telling me "you know that's permanent" or "Why would such a pretty girl do that to herself". Its permanent!? Holy shit I thought it was washable!! I know what I'm doing. Shut your mouth, pay for your groceries, and leave. I don't need YOU, a total stranger to me, telling me how horrible I am for getting a tattoo and a lip piercing. Shut it. Keep your comments to yourself.

*Don't ask for tomorrows sale price today. We can't do it. There's a reason its TOMORROWS sale price and not todays. Don't be bitchy when we can't either. There's no reason for it and being bitchy only makes us NOT want to help you even more.

Now that I'm all irate that's all I can do for now. But trust me...there WILL be a part 2 on this topic.

Until next time...

Monday, July 27, 2009

Freaks In Uniform

I'm about to spill a secret that the lesbian community doesn't want you to know. I may even get my membership card revoked for this.

I don't have a very eloquent way with words so I'm just going to spit it out. Here goes....lesbians wear a uniform. That's right! I said it! WHAT!?!

The lesbian uniform changes every year. We can spot each other a mile away once we see the universal uniform is being proudly worn. Ever meet a girl you aren't quite sure really IS a lesbian? Well with the knowledge of the uniform, now you'll know!

I don't know when the uniform started or even who started it. All I know, is that its alive and well. Its not usually a full uniform per say, but really an article of clothing or accessory. Some lesbians try to stray from the uniform because they don't want to conform or be grouped in. But they all give in eventually at some point during the year.

I've discovered the uniform usually changes around Pride when we all gather in masses. Then we can properly discern what is the current years uniform. Very handy to know in time for summer clothes shopping.

A few years ago it was the classic shoe, Chuck Taylors. Lesbians from all over the world were wearing their Chucks everywhere they went. We were all wearing the same shoes at every occasion or event.

Last year it was another piece of classic fashion, the Polo shirt. I myself have a pair of Chucks and multiple Polo's. I'm not fooling anyone. The Polo comes in a variety of colors and styles. As do Chucks. You can imagine the mix-matching possibilities that plagued our everyday lives!

I should also note that the uniform never stops being THE uniform. We get a new piece every year but that doesn't mean the old pieces no longer apply. They just aren't as prevalent I guess you could say.

Now for this years uniform choice. For 2009 we have not one, but TWO, uniform pieces. Oooo la la!

This year the first piece we have is the striped shirt. Any type of shirts and any color or variety of stripes will work. As long as the stripes are prevalent, you will easily be spotted and identified as a lesbian. No need to worry about type of fabric or width of stripes!

Our second piece this year is the key clip. Its more of an accessory. It is the clip, which very closely resembles a mountain climbing clip, that you can attach your keys too and then hook onto your belt loops. So convenient for keeping our keys where we need them, looking fashionable AND jingling whenever a lesbian is getting close to you. Its kind of like our own little beacon system. We're very clever, what can I say?

So don't go telling anyone I told you. Its very hard for me to get a new membership card. I have to take the test again and everything!

But remember ladies, get out those striped shirts and key clips and jingle the night away. You'll look good doing it. *wink*

Until next time...